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Quick-fixing cracks in the roof

  • April 16, 2021
  • By Phil
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Quick-fixing cracks in the roof

The topic of these days is finding water leaks and (quick-) fixing them. The quest continues…

As a little surface mold could also be seen on the other (left) side of the van, I went to the roof to see wether there were some obvious wholes or problems. I found an area that looked like having cracked – either just the paint or also the glass fiber itself. So I started to carefully grind the surface with fine sandpaper to see what is under the paint. And there I found a few cracks that had been sealed already but still took water inside and partly started to grow moss inside. And I found one crack that had not been sealed and need to be fixed.

As this job was done on a sunny day of April in the middle of Finland yet only in + 8°C, it was still only possible for me to quick fix theses issues. After sanding the areas and removing moss or old sealing mass with a screwdriver I simply used some 5 minutes Epoxy that I still had to fix the glassfibre (note: the epoxy was listed to work on glassfibre also). That’s basically an easy fix: mix epoxy and hardener for 2 minutes and then apply it to the holes. We’ll see if it improves the current situation and closes those holes until the major body work is done in summer this year. Then I’ll probably use glass fibre mats and corresponding glue.

By Phil, April 16, 2021 Philip finds his inspiration in everyday life and finds profound messages even in basic tasks.


Philip finds his inspiration in everyday life and finds profound messages even in basic tasks.